Monday, October 20, 2008


I was having some trouble trying to think of an issue that is of importance to me that I have not yet written about in another class.  I came up with the legalization/decriminalization of some illegal drugs.  I would say only marijuana, but i wanted to include some other, less common drugs that I also think should not be illegal, for example LSD, psychedelic mushrooms, and ecstasy.  The main reason for me thinking that these drugs should be legalized is because they do not have much potential for long term use.  Although there are exceptions, these substances are not physically addictive and will not cause the user to be dependent on them, unlike some other illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin.  I also feel like decriminalizing or legalizing these drugs would clear up badly needed space in prisons.  I think that our law enforcement should be focusing on issues that might cause harm to communities, and not have to waste their time getting users of these drugs off the street.  If the government would trust its citizens to use these substances responsibly, like they do with both alcohol and tobacco, then I think it would not be a problem.  Also, I think that if the government was regulating these drugs, they would be safer and there would be less risk of using something that the user did not intend to use.  For example, there are instances when a substance, such as marijuana is laced with another drug, like cocaine, which the user may or may not have been aware of.  

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Persuasive Ads


I chose to analyze this American Red Cross Ad.  It appeals to the pathos of the audience because the girl in the ad is in obvious distress.  It looks like she truly needs help now, and it really speaks to the person who is observing it.  The ad also says that "help can't wait," and that they need you now, which appeals to the readers emotions because it makes them feel as if they need to contribute and that the need is desperate.  This ad appeals to the ethos of the reader because the American Red Cross is a very well known organization, and they have been known to do great things in the past, which adds to their credibility.  It also assures the reader that their money is all going going to a good cause.  The ad appeals to the logos of the reader because it is logical.  The girl is in distress, and there are many others like her, so they need your help now.  

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

classical arguments

Chapter 14's discussion of classical arguments tells us that arguments need to be thoroughly researched and backed up with specific evidence.  It tells us to research all possible sides of the argument with an open mind in order to make the most informed decision.  Once you have found the side of an argument that you agree with, it is necessary to persuade your audience to believe and agree with the claim you are making.  To do this your argument needs to be backed up with specific evidence.  This really relates to the strong response essay that we are working on right now because it is necessary for us to use as many specific details and examples as possible.  If we don't use enough examples, our readers will not be persuaded and will not be moved to your side of the argument.  Even though it feels like I am using way too many examples and explaining my position in too much depth, it is really necessary to get the point across.  If there are not sufficient claims to back up an argument, why should anyone believe what you are claiming?